
.room make over

i've figured out that this is the reason why i haven't been so inspired to work on the clothes that i've started! i had to beg for this room and now that i have it... my people want it to be a play room for my nephews too! so this room that was supposed to be mine has been cut down to this small piece of space! (if you look in the left corner of the pictures, you can see my son's creative mess on the floor!

i have no clue how to fix it up! the room is slanted so i don't have much room to work with and my step-brother felt the need to spray paint his name of the walls like a child. i'm NOT a fan of his so the last thing i want to see while i'm sewing is that dick wad's name! i have piles of fabric, 2 dress forms, and a storage bin that also need to get is this tiny space. i have to revamp this "area" into something that i am proud of and thats kiddie proof. i don't feel like getting in touch with my inner Bob the Builder so i need a miracle!

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