
.election day 08

since the polls didn't open until 7a.m. my mother and i decided to get up at 6 a.m. and go vote before the line got too long. we got there at 6:30 a.m. and there was NOWHERE to park! we ended up parking 2 streets over and walked to the line. at this point, the line is leading from the door, down to the middle of the street. to my surprise, everyone seemed to be in a great mood! not one person was complaining about the lines or the fact that it was only in the 5o's. still standing at the back of the line with my mother and i realize i don't have my camera! mad that i left my camera, i call my sister and ask her to run by my house and get it just as Shauna walks up and stands in line with my mother and i like no one was behind us! again, to my surprise...none of them said a word! it must of been that "i wish you would" look on her face! LOL
my sister gets there at 7:11 and this is was the line
in front of us : bending the corner

behind us : down the street and around the school

a beautiful sight!: baltimore at its best! people in their pjs

as we got closer to the door

obama/biden signs: not even one mccain/palin sign

inside the polling place: line comes through the door and wraps around

after i voted: line still up the street and around the corner

finally view: a proud moment... move shauna!

i never thought i'd see the day that we'd have the chance to vote for a black man i just can't help but to be proud of who i am the and the people who fought to get me here. able to vote, speak freely, and live my life as a equal person! even if this man that i kind of sort of have a mini crush on does not win, i'm still proud of the effort he has put forth to show my son, NO... all of us that we can grow up to be whatever we want no matter what race we are. OBAMA/BIDEN 08!


Shauna said...

Damn I looked a hot mess. Did you have to get me in that picture

Unknown said...

I'm happy he won... It would have been some riots if he didn't

Designer Qui said...


canon: i doubt that. black people do not riot when they don't get their way. we are very used to disappointments by this point. we riot when things seem unfair!